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Ingrown Toenails

What is an ingrown toenail?

An ingrown toenail (Onychocrypytosis) is a very common condition, and most often seen in the big toe. This is when the nail becomes imbedded into the surface of the skin causing a portal entry for fungus and bacteria, which can lead to infection if untreated.



First sign of an ingrown toenail?

A build-up of hard skin on the toe and debris at the borders can cause redness, swelling and discomfort – this is usually the first sign of an ingrown toenail. Hayes and Associates, Podiatrists and Chiropodists are experts in the treatment of ingrown toenails and use their vast experience and expertise to treat the symptoms of ingrown toenails and clear any infection that might be present with the least amount of discomfort for the patient.

Early stage symptoms of an ingrown toenail: The skin at the edge of the nail becoming red and swollen, possible fluid build-up and painful to touch.

Advanced stage symptoms (infection present) of an ingrown toenail: Heightened pain to touch, redness on toe, swelling around toe, skin growth around the problematic area, bleeding and pus from nail infection on the toe.


What causes an ingrown toenail?

There are many reasons as to why an ingrown toenail can occur – tight fitting footwear; cutting the toe nails incorrectly; picking the corners of your toenails, irregular and curved toenails; abnormal gait; trauma to your toes, e.g. stubbing your toe; genetic predisposition and those who are athletic are at a higher risk of getting ingrown toenails because of the consistent pressure put on the feet over long periods of time. These are just some of the reasons why we get ingrown toenails. Whatever the cause – Hayes and Associates are experts in the treatment of this condition.

So, how do we treat ingrown toenails?

Through an assessment with Hayes and Associates, we will discuss these factors in more detail. We will distinguish the cause of the ingrown toenail, if antibiotic cover may be required to combat any infection under the nail, and in more severe cases of ingrown toenail surgical removal of a section of the nail may be necessary.

We would highly recommend being seen by one of our highly trained Podiatrists at Hayes and Associates if any of the symptoms of ingrown toenail are experienced. For an appointment and further advice on the symptoms, the cause and the treatment of ingrown toenails please call 01-8413350.

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