Opening Hours : Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Footcare for Diabetics

How does diabetes affect my feet?

We ensure that our clients with diabetes get the proper and targeted treatments to maximise foot health.

Footcare for diabetics

At Hayes and Associates our Podiatrists routinely carry out neurological and vascular checks on patients’ feet, however for those with diabetes, our assessment is more in-depth. We test circulatory and neurological efficiency, as well as assess the general health and appearance of the skin and nails. We ensure that our clients with diabetes get the proper and targeted treatments to maximise foot health.

Based on the results, we will give the patient advice on how to look after their feet from day to day, and advise them on how often to have their assessed and treated. For anyone with diabetes, it is recommended to have their feet checked at least once a year.


How does diabetes affect my feet?

Diabetes can affect your feet in a number of ways – the most common being sensory neuropathy – loss or reduced sensation in the feet, and /or unusual sensations such as pins and needles in the feet, burning, hot or cold, tingling sensations and numbness in the feet.

Autonomic neuropathy – Decreased sweating resulting in very dry skin, which can lead to breaks (fissures) to the skin is another symptom of diabetes.

Podiatrists at Hayes and Associates are highly trained in the area of diabetes and the care of diabetics’ feet. We take part in ‘Continual Professional Development’ (CPD) programmes to stay up to date with new treatments and advancements in foot care for diabetics.

If you are diabetic and worried about your ‘feet health’ give Hayes and Associates a buzz to arrange a ‘feet health check’. They will give you the best advice on how to make sure your feet remain pain free and healthy.

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