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Break free from heel pain

Break free from heel pain

Break free from heel pain

Hayes and Associates will help you break free from heel pain.

Heel pain is a common phenomenon, and there are several conditions out there that contribute to the cause of heel pain. It is therefore important to have the condition assessed by one of our fully trained Podiatrists who can determine the cause and the treatment to help you break free from heel pain.

Moderate and severe heel pain

The condition can vary in severity from moderate to severe, depending on the condition that’s presenting and how long it has been present for.

Most frequent type of heel pain

An example of the most frequent heel pain that we come across is a condition called Plantar Fasciitis. It often hits us when we wake up in the morning and put our foot to the floor, or if we are inactive for a period and get up to move again. It is when the thick band of tissue that lies from our heel bone to our forefoot becomes inflamed, that we experience this discomfort in the heel.

If this condition is left untreated for a long period of time, it can result in the formation of a heel spur, which is when an extra bony growth arises from the heel bone.


Methods of treating heel pain

Taping and strapping


Stretching and Strengthening exercises

Footwear advice/care


Recovering from heel pain

Early assessment and detection of the cause of your heel pain is essential to a fast and speedy recovery. One of our Podiatrists at Hayes and Associates will diagnose and offer the optimal treatment plan for you.

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